2010년 1월 26일 화요일

analysis of famous baduk record 112-126

 Black is aiming A at the next.
This is a bargain black loses.

 The challenge is to get black through hell.
 3 stones now white would be willing to give up.
It is very difficult to find.

 This is . . .
 where black will ignore any pae-threat (ko-threat),
the game will end.
Therefore, it is absolutely.

This is 40 times the number predicted ahead.


 By giving up 4 black stones advantage becomes black.

So, white induces capturing race.

Eventually black will win capturing race.

Now, black is alive and sente, because of A.

 If black lives too caught up in this place is a taste of the intrusion.

2010년 1월 24일 일요일

analysis of famous baduk record 101-111

Black 1 is heavy, bad.

 This black 1 is good.

This result  good result for black. Black feels very comfortable.

This result, upper right side is very large.
In addition, black group was completely caught.
It can still be worth using.

 The result is that this can work with each other mutually.

White 1 is very important spot.

This movement is bad.
It had rather not be.
Because black is a bad move, white can live with A, white can invade with B.

analysis of famous baduk record 90-100

If white receives 1,black lays on the 4, A is the weakness of the green with.
White 1 is how to do what black wants to give up part of the X shall be attempting to select.
If at a later time may not be as the black 2 will be.

White 1 is light.


Black will easily connect each other if white got 1.
White 1 means,

It will be connected, but white 2 is bad.

White 1, so black is in danger.

If white has inadvertently 2 receives 3.
White defends A, black should simply connect because next black B is released after death.


Therefore, white 1 is the underbelly.

2010년 1월 21일 목요일

famous baduk players - Sakada Eio

"'Not unlike adults, young bust' crap to the other animals are not conscious. Essential that the animal life in the mere expedient of age show promises to yourself you're getting old is not laughing. This is a win for human living. Earth's rotation does not need to worry."

There are three kinds of nicknames for Sakada.
Razor Sakada, attacks Sakada, a good getting through Sakada.
He's in attack or defense as to each of the stones to put at least make the most thought.
He did not meet the right things.
More motivated to seek constantly to launch this cutting-edge as will appear.
So he won the advantage baduk relatively early termination if the situation said.

February 15, 1920. Born in Tokyo in Japan, he is still alive, a living legend.

I think that his stuff is very helpful to learn baduk.

I'm currently blogging baduk record and a white player is Sakada.
This match held in July 20th, 1961.