2009년 8월 27일 목요일

PJ step 1. the most small value (1) /baduk/

There is a “ko”.

If it’s black turn, black will connect it by one sequence and there is nothing.
If it’s white turn, white will capture it and connect it later by two sequences and there is one captive.
All sequence is three, and quarrel a cross.
So one sequence earns one third.
Then, if black connect it, there is nothing.
If so, there was already one third white cross.
Bacause black earns one third.
And, each side earns one third, so its value is two thirds.

Conclusion : there EXISTs one third white cross. / its ending game(yose) value is two thirds.

Can you count it?
A exists one third white cross. B and C are as well.
So, there exists one white cross on the board.

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