2009년 9월 9일 수요일

CR step 6. ES v.s ES /baduk/

If there is not in-space, it's simple.
Black out-spaces are 2, and white out-spaces are 4.
( Black out-spaces 1 and eye-space-number 1 )
( White out-spaces 3 and eye-space-number 1 )
So, white wins the race by two sequences gap.

There is an in-space.
Now, which side have out-space-advantage?
Black has 2, and white has 3.
In this case, white has "ALL" in-space burden.

Non-eye-space v.s non-eye-space with in-space, the side having more out-spaces has "in-space minus one " burden, do you remember?

However, eye-space v.s eye-space, all in-space burden demended.

So, you can imagine that x-marks are filled with any stone like below.
It has each two out-spaces.
But, there is important causion.
If the imagining-result is even, out-space-disadvantage-side has  burden of goto-seki ( draw ).
You must not forget this.
White can go other side.
Because each side has burden of in-space, and expects disadvantage.

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