2009년 8월 29일 토요일

PJ step 3. value 1 /baduk/

There is the chance for white to make 1 cross.
But, if it's black turn, there is nothing.
So, there EXISTs a half white cross.
And if it's white turn, white can create 1 cross. If it's black turn, black can terminate a half white cross.
Therefore, its value is 1.

Conclusion : There exists a half white cross. / Its value is 1.

Then, I'll prove it.
There is two groups of a half white cross below.
So, total white cross is - a half plus a half - 1.
How about that?
Is it right?

p.s My English ability is some poor, so please point out my fault in using English.
I will rightly modify it. Thank you.

p.s I think that positional judgement is very very very important to fight to the finish in minuteness.
But its technique is nowhere! Even if Korea.
It seems some boring, complex, and so on... but, think about Lee Chang-Ho 9D in Korea.
His best arms is positional judgement ability!
And I think if one is strong of positional judgement, his other baduk skills follow.
Because baduk is the game of selection.
If I am of great advantage, I will concede and be safe to keep victory.
If I am of some disadvantage, I will shake ( "shake" means "make complex" ) all on the board to capture the chance of victory.
How about your opinion?

댓글 4개:

  1. Very nice !
    I'm especially interested in endgame. There is no good books about it in english.

  2. Hi, Hollander.
    There is no good books about it in Korea as well.
    I think that your baduk ability will grow fast because of your interesting of ending game.

  3. I heard that there is some Lee Changho's books about end-game in Korea. What do you know about them ?

  4. Yes, but I think that it doesn't help!
    Because it explains non-detail and first, it only treats ending game.
    I think that positional judgement and ending game have very deeply relation but, in Korea, maybe all over the world, there is not.
    It's very difficult to make book.
    And, to professional, it's so reasonable, so it's hard to explain from the viewpoint of amateur.
    For example, we know joseki in the book written by professional, but it explains so simple because of their being no wonder.
